Core 在哲学

哲学 has a permanent and central place in Jesuit higher education and is an important part of the 电子游戏软件 Core 课程. By introducing students to the great philosophical questions, philosophy offers a perspective which makes possible an integrated vision of physical, human and spiritual reality; it weighs propositions fundamental to personal identity, 尊严, religious 信仰, and social responsibility, and examines moral issues facing individuals and communities. The 哲学 core teaches analytical and interpretive skills so that students develop an intellectual and moral framework for considering questions of ultimate value and significance, challenging them to translate philosophical principles into guides for life.


All Core offerings in philosophy bring students to reflect on the kinds of claims made in different disciplines from the natural sciences to theology by considering questions about the nature of reason, 证据, 信仰, 和确定性. The two (2) sequential three-credit courses in the 哲学 core aim to teach students that the philosophical habit of mind is part of a well-lived life, providing the perspective and tools for critical evaluation of and engagement with contemporary problems and questions.

The 哲学 Department offers a two semester sequence to fulfill the core. There are a number of sequences from which to choose.  One sequence consists of two history of philosophy courses, 哲学 of the Person I and II.  There are two different interdisciplinary yearlong philosophy and theology sequences. Each of these interdisciplinary sequences fulfill the two philosophy and two theology core requirements.  One yearlong sequence is Perspectives on Western Culture I和II,和  另一个是 Person and Social Responsibility I and II. 除了, 哲学, 文学, and fine arts core can be fulfilled by taking the yearlong sequence Perspectives II: Modernism and the Arts.   The philosophy and social sciences core can be fulfilled by taking the yearlong sequence Perspectives III: Horizons of the Social Sciences. The philosophy, science, mathematics core can be fulfilled by taking the yearlong sequence Perspectives IV: New Scientific Visions.  

Students may request transfer credit for ONE of the two semesters of 哲学 core, but courses are only accepted that substantially coincide with the material of the 哲学 department core programs. Please note even if 1 semester of core credit is granted for a course taken outside the BC 哲学 department 1) the second semester of 哲学 core MUST be taken from the options offered by the 电子游戏软件 哲学 department outlined above, and 2) courses taken at the Woods School of Advancing Studies (电子游戏软件’s evening college) are accepted towards core 在哲学 only for ONE semester and are considered as transfer courses.


For questions about Perspectives 课程, contact the Director of the Perspectives 程序, Professor Chris Constas.

For questions about Person and Social Responsibility, contact the Director of the PULSE 程序, Professor Meghan Sweeney.

For questions about 哲学 of the Person, contact the Director of 本科 Studies, Professor Micah Lott.