
An undergraduate in the Department of 地球与环境科学 will develop a major 程序 in one of two majors: Environmental Geoscience or Geological Sciences. 课程的设计可以满足每个学生的兴趣和目标. 


Majoring in 地球与环境科学

Students may wish to major in this field for a variety of reasons, including a desire to work professionally in 地球 and 环境科学s; a desire to obtain a preparatory foundation for post-graduate work in 地球 and/or 环境科学, 环境政策及法律, 资源管理, or similar fields; a desire to teach 地球 and 环境科学 in secondary schools; or a general interest in the discipline.



鼓励学生与本系教授一起进行电子游戏正规平台. A senior thesis is normally a two-semester project, sometimes involving work during the summer after your junior year. 

写论文, 学生在大四的每学期注册高级论文(EESC5595), and work with their faculty thesis advisor to submit a 当然合同 and research proposal (2-3 pages) by the drop-add date in the fall semester. 要获得院系荣誉,院系专业需要达到GPA标准(3).3个主修,3个.2总体) and submit their completed thesis, signed by the faculty research advisor, 4月20日下午5点前, or if that is on a weekend or holiday, by 5 pm on the first regular days of classes thereafter. 

Students can also write a senior thesis under the 学院学者 程序.



The Department of 地球与环境科学 strongly encourages students to take advantage of study abroad opportunities. An 地球 scientist can never see too much of our planet. We particularly encourage students to participate in 程序s that include field-based courses and research experiences. 这取决于学生的专业, and the courses available at the foreign school, the department can be quite flexible. 我们通常允许每学期在国外有一门选修课计入专业要求, or two courses in unusual circumstances. Students should work out their plan well in advance with a departmental advisor or the departmental Foreign Study Advisor (Prof. Jeremy Shakun教授, 杰里米.shakun@4dian8.com).



Core courses in the department (numbered EESC1XXX) are designed to give non-science majors an introduction to various aspects of the 地球’s history and dynamics. The course offerings include a wide variety of subjects and approaches that reflect the breadth of the 地球 sciences. 这种多样化的课程为入门学生提供了最大的选择自由. All of these courses presume no prior knowledge beyond high school science and all fulfill the Natural Science Core requirement. 它们的目的是让学生了解我们所生活的世界的一些令人兴奋的方面, 同时提供了所有科学共同的分析和推理方法的背景.


  1. Demonstrate an awareness of how scientific concepts and methods are employed in the study of planet 地球 and its environment, 以及这种意识对21世纪受过自由教育的人来说是多么必要. 
  2. Demonstrate an awareness of the principles and strategies of natural science that are employed in the study of planet 地球 and its environment. 
  3. Demonstrate an awareness of the critical role that the 地球 and Environmental sciences play in contemporary society. 
  4. Demonstrate an awareness of the power of the scientific method in the study of planet 地球 and in solving the 地球’s environmental problems. 
  5. Demonstrate an awareness of the limitations of science in the study of planet 地球 and in solving 地球’s environmental problems. 
  6. Demonstrate an awareness of the application of mathematics and other sciences as they are used in the study of planet 地球 and its environment. 
  7. Demonstrate how the 地球 and Environmental sciences affect humans. 
  8. 展示人类如何影响我们星球的环境和可居住性. 

部门参与了 核心电子游戏正规平台 过程, offering both Complex Problems (for example EESC1501, EESC1506) and Emerging Questions (for example EESC1701, EESC1702) courses for first-year students. Students wishing to find out more about department Core courses should contact the department at 617-552-3640, Devlin 213, or the Director of 本科 Studies (Jeremy Shakun教授, 杰里米.shakun@4dian8.com).

The Director of 本科 Studies, Prof. Jeremy Shakun, holds drop-in advising hours every Monday from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 在德夫林321B. 如果你有任何与地球和环境科学相关的问题,请随时提问.