

申请截止日期为1月2日. 所有申请材料(包括考试成绩)必须在该日期之前收到. 


请联系艺术电子游戏正规平台生院 & 科学, 电子游戏正规平台生 电子游戏软件s Office for any questions regarding application materials and/or admission requirements at gsasinfo@4dian8.com.

Ph.D. 只有

仅限申请博士学位的申请人.D. are considered; 电子游戏软件 does not offer the terminal M.A. 在经济学. 伍兹高等教育学院提供 M.S. 应用经济学.








There is a $75 non-refundable required application fee that is used to process your application. 您可以选择在提交申请表之前在线支付这笔费用. 如果您选择等待支付费用,您可以选择通过 门户网站. 或者你可以寄一张75美元的不可退款支票或汇票, made payable to Trustees of 电子游戏软件 to the processing center or directly to the 电子游戏软件s office.








除了你的学历和相关工作经验之外, 请包括目前持有的任何许可证, 任何与社会正义相关的经验, 除英语以外的其他语言技能, 以及任何电子游戏正规平台经验或出版物.


The 经济学系s requires a brief (1-2 pages) personal statement in which applicants should discuss their preparation, 动机, 以及他们拟修课程的目标. 如果您对声明有任何疑问,请与部门联系.


All departments of the 电子游戏正规平台生 School require or recommend that applicants submit letters of recommendation. Applicants may register recommenders to submit their letters electronically while completing the application form. Recommendations may also be received in hard copy at the GSAS 电子游戏软件s office as an alternative.

三封推荐信应伴随博士申请. 除非部门另有指示, 两封信应该足以申请硕士学位. 检查 部门需求 对细节. 不接受信件的影印本.

Generally letters should be from people who have most recently taught you in the field in which you expect to study. 如果你现在或已经离开学校一段时间了, 其中一封应该是你的雇主写的, 主管, 或者另一个熟悉你最近职业活动的人. 如果你目前就读于或已经就读于其他电子游戏正规平台生院, 至少一封推荐信必须来自最熟悉你工作的电子游戏正规平台生导师.

Letters on file with university placement offices are acceptable if sent directly by the university and signed by a placement official. 要求推荐信在信封盖上签名寄出. 如果BC收到密封破损的推荐信,则申请可能被取消资格. 推荐人可能更愿意将其推荐信直接邮寄给我们. If this is the case you should take whatever steps are necessary to verify that the recommendation has been sent to BC.


University/college transcripts are required from all previous post-secondary education institutions attended. Unofficial transcripts may be submitted through the online application form for review purposes during the application process, 然而, official copies of all transcripts reviewed for admission must be submitted upon acceptance/matriculation no later than June 15. 完成你的申请需要成绩单, 无论是以电子方式提交还是以硬拷贝形式发送. Hard copy official transcripts must be submitted to the office address noted at the top of this page or received from official academic sources (i.e. 各院校已签名/盖章的信封内. 可接受核证副本,不接受普通副本. 每份成绩单复印件一份就足够了. Official transcripts submitted via document management services such as Scrip-Safe may be sent to gsasinfo@4dian8.com. If you have previously attended BC you must request complete transcripts of your work from the 学生服务办公室. 所有非英文的文件, should include a certified 英语 translation in addition to the original language document.

Students who file applications prior to the completion of their undergraduate work are expected to file a final transcript showing all coursework, 学位授予, 以及授予学位的日期. The same procedure is required of applicants currently engaged in graduate study at other institutions. 这对于最终确认电子游戏正规平台生院的录取通知书是必要的. Your final transcript should be sent to us as soon as you have completed your present course of study.

International students please note: 只有 official copies of your transcript will fulfill the language proficiency requirement on your application. 参观 国际申请者 浏览更多信息.



注意: GRE scores are required for applicants seeking admission for the Fall 2022 semester.

GRE成绩只有在美国教育考试服务中心直接提交时才是正式的. Most departments in the 电子游戏正规平台生 School require or recommend that you present scores of the general and/or subject tests of the 电子游戏正规平台生 Record Examination (GRE). Applicants who have not taken the GREs within the last five years should contact their intended department to see if more recent scores are required. 视图 部门需求. The 电子游戏正规平台生 School recommends that you register for the GREs early so that the scores will be available when applying. 有关考试日期等信息.,请联系:


注意: If you have personal score reports available from earlier examinations you may include them with your application, 然而, you must request 美国教育考试服务中心 to send official score reports to the 电子游戏正规平台生 School directly: 电子游戏软件, 艺术与科学电子游戏正规平台生院, 代码3083.

**自2011年8月1日起,GRE普通考试将进行修改. 修订后的考试成绩报告要到11月才能从美国教育考试服务中心获得. Scores from both the Revised General Test and exams taken prior to August 1, 2011 will be accepted. 所有GRE考试成绩自参加考试之日起五年内有效.**


Students who speak a native language other than 英语 must provide evidence of 英语 proficiency. 托福网考成绩达到100分或以上或7分.雅思成绩不低于0分. TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid from exams taken a maximum of two years prior to application program deadlines. Remember to enter the BC School 代码3083 when taking the TOEFL exam to ensure GSAS receives your score report. If submitting the IELTS score report please send results to the GSAS 电子游戏软件s Office or designate GSAS as your score report recipient.


  • 你是澳大利亚公民, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 圭亚那, 非洲一个讲英语的国家, 或者加勒比海的英语国家.
  • 你在美国获得了先前的学院或大学学位.S. or one of the countries listed above or at an institution whose official language of instruction is 英语. The language proficiency requirement will be waived from your application upon receipt of an official transcript noting degree conferral from said institution.
  • 你目前是美国一所大学的全日制学生.S. degree-granting program or at an American or 英语-speaking school in one of the countries listed above or at an institution whose official language of instruction is 英语 and will have completed two academic years of college/university work before beginning your studies at BC. The language proficiency requirement will be waived from your application upon receipt of an official transcript noting two years/4 semesters completed at said institution.